WPW syndrome
How does WPW syndrome
In WPW syndrome (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) there is an extra bundle conduction between the atria and ventricles in addition to the normal conduction, the AV node. It creates an alternative route for the electrical impulse from the atria to the room about to jump. This bundle is present from birth, but symptoms vary all ages for the appearance. The extra beam can by the alternative and rapid conduction too rapid heartbeat.
This may also prevent the electrical stimulus in a circular motion (tachycardia) again via the alternative route jump back to the atria. The fast heart palpitations and gives an uneasy feeling. In addition, the rapid heart rate contraction of the heart are so inefficient that too Weining blood is pumped around and causing dizziness occurs wegraking.
By the making of an ECG in the presence of an additional guide beam and the WPW syndrome be fixed. With an electro-physiological research is the location and nature of the extra bundle exact mapping.
The preferred treatment of WPW syndrome is the cancellation of the additional connection between atrium and room. With a radio-frequency ablation technique is the additional beam are burned away, which in most cases is successful.
The syndrome of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW syndrome also known) is a congenital defect, which affects 1.3 per 1000 people, [1] where the electrical stimulation accelerated the rooms can achieve, with many attacks from a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) as a result.
The syndrome of Wolff-Parkinson-White is a second connection between the atria and ventricles. Normally, the two atria and ventricles electrically separated from each other by connective tissue on a post geleidingssyssteem. The additional connection with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, the "bundle of Kent" is responsible for an abnormal impulse conduction in the heart.
impulse conduction in the heart
In the right atrium, where the pacemaker is located, occurs about once per second spontaneous electrical impulse that makes the two atria contract. Between the atria and ventricles, the electrical stimulus delayed in the AV node. Through the bundle of His, the electrical pulse to the myocardium of the ventricles, so that the two chambers coordinated contraction.
Conduction in WPW syndrome
In the case of the WPW syndrome is a second, abnormal, guide beam, the beam of Kent, from the atria to the rooms. Because of this there are two "ways" that the stimulus to the chamber. Since the conduction in the AV node is slowed and in the bundle of Kent (the extra route) will not be a signal that goes through the bundle of Kent, faster in the rooms. The patient notices little of here. However, there is a re-entry phenomenon episodic occurrence. Because the stimulus once delayed and not delayed once enters the heart can be stimulated twice, with an unhealthy fast heart rate as a result. It can even circling the stimulus through the heart to sudden cardiac death.
On the electrocardiogram (ECG) is a characteristic deviation to show the delta-wave (see photo) is called. This wave is due to the electrical stimulus is not in the usual way arrives at the heart muscle. Sometimes this deviation, however, mostly present.
Delta-wave is indicated by the arrow
The syndrome can usually be successfully treated with a so-called ablation. This, a thin wire is inserted into the heart in which the end of a high dose of radio waves (radiation) transmitting. The effect of this radiation is that the heart cells that come into contact with broken and will not work anymore. These damaged cells can no longer transmit electrical signal that the additional line will be undone.
This treatment is many cases without risk and often has a positive result with the syndrome are eliminated.
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